Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Concealed Weapon Permit

What is a California concealed weapon permit (CCW)? A license to carry a concealed firearm on your person in public subject to restrictions placed upon it by statute and the issuing department. Many Americans don’t even know they have the right to carry a weapon on them in public, but you can if you qualify. California residents who have clean records can apply for a permit which allows them to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense and personal protection. You cannot legally carry a concealed gun in California without a valid California issued CCW permit. A CCW does not give you authority to make arrests, stop crime, or misuse a firearm. Only police officers should attempt to make arrests or catch criminals. Carrying a firearm is a serious responsibility which requires training and good judgment. Misuse of a firearm is a crime. Statute requires applicants to complete a course in firearm safety and the law regarding the permissible use of a firearm. Departments may also require the applicant to demonstrate proficiency at their range and submit all weapons to be carried for a safety inspection. Applicants are required to submit to Live Scan for a DOJ records check. Departments may require a Psychological test of applicants. The CCW is issued by the county sheriff or (in some cases) by the city police chief. To get your permit, request an application from your county sheriff. Your county sheriff must give you an application. Your county sheriff must accept your filled-in application. Your county sheriff must inform you, in writing, of his decision within 90 days. If your county sheriff does not issue you a permit, he must give you, in writing, the reason for the denial. The sheriff must provide a process for appeals of denials. Many people do not believe we should have the right to a CCW permit, but I believe it gives the CCW holder a piece of mind knowing that he/she can defend themselves.

The permit only allows the person to carry his/her weapon in the state where the permit was issued. On July 23, 2009 the Senate narrowly rejected a concealed weapons measure that critics have blasted as “radical” Wednesday afternoon. According to Alex Jones of infowars.com, “In a rare win for gun control advocates, the Senate on Wednesday rejected a measure allowing a person with a concealed weapon permit in one state to also hide his firearm when visiting another state.” Mr. Jones goes on to say “the vote was 58-39 in favor of the provision establishing concealed carry permit reciprocity in the 48 states that have concealed weapons laws.” “That fell two votes short of the 60 needed to approve the measure, offered as an amendment to a defense spending bill.” I believe if we are issuing CCWs we should allow the permit holders to carry over different state boarders.

In this video you are able to view both sides of this measure.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKCySl-KCtk

Source: http://www.infowars.com/senate-narrowly-rejects-radical-concealed-weapon-measure/

1 comment:

  1. Hunter this is a very interesting and controversial topic. One thing you might want to mention is that California is one of the few states that does not observe CCW permits from any other state. However there are many states that have reciprocity agreements with other states. Take Alaska for example, they honor everyones CCW's. The bill that was struck down by a narrow margin would have mandated that all states honor eachothers CCW permits. I think the fact that we were only short 3 votes to getting it passed is a sign that our country may be moving toward being more 2nd Amendment friendly. Good topic! Keep it going!
